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Will an arrest for assault and battery prevent me from getting my license?

You will be denied a license if you have a pending charge, deferred sentence or deferred prosecution up until 3 years after final determination of the matter for 

-     a second or subsequent misdemeanor assault and battery;

-     misdemeanor assault and battery which caused serious physical injury to the victim;

-     misdemeanor aggravated assault and battery;

-     misdemeanor domestic assault and battery including assault and battery against a current or former spouse, 

       a present spouse of a former spouse, parents, a foster parent, a child, a person otherwise related by blood or marriage, 

       a person you are dating, an individual with whom you have a child, a person who formerly lived in the same household with you, 

       or a person living in the same household as you;  and/or

-     felony assault and battery.

Conviction for any of the assault and battery offenses listed above is a permanent preclusion.
