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Forensic Toxicology

OSBI Toxicology Unit

The objective of the Toxicology Laboratory is to provide forensic toxicology services to state, county, and local law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Oklahoma.

Click here to see OSBI Toxicology Blood Alcohol and Top 10 Blood Drug Stats for 2020.

Toxicology Case Types

Toxicology services are provided for agencies submitting blood samples in cases involving violation of Title 47 of the Oklahoma State Statutes and for agencies submitting blood and urine in cases involving violent crimes. Services are also provided for agencies submitting beverages for alcoholic content testing.

Driving Under the Influence: Operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicating beverage.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicating substance.

Drug-Related Homicides: Was the suspect taking their required medication and/or on some type of substance (Ethanol, MDMA, methamphetamine, PCP, etc.)?

Drug-Related Child Endangerment: Was a child put in danger as a result of drug use?

Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults: Was the victim exposed to drugs, ethanol, and/or chemicals that facilitated a sexual assault?

Poisons: A life threatening substance or life threatening dosage of a substance administered to a victim.

Alcoholic Content: Analysis of liquids for the investigation of liquor laws.